1. SmNd dating of multiple garnet growth events in an arc ...


    SmNd dating of multiple garnet growth events in an arc-continent collision zone, northwestern U.S. Cordillera. Authors; Authors and affiliations;

  2. SmNd dating of multiple garnet growth events in an arc ...

    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jane_Selverstone/publication/... · PDF

    Contrib Mineral Petrol (1993) 115:45-57 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 9 Springer-Verlag 1993 Sm-Nd dating of multiple garnet growth events

  3. LuHf and SmNd dating of metamorphic garnet: evidence


    LuHf and SmNd dating of metamorphic garnet: evidence for multiple accretion events during the Caledonian orogeny in Scotland

  4. Sm-Nd method - Homepage Server Uni-Tübingen

    https://homepages.uni-tuebingen.de/wolfgang.siebel/pdffiles/... · PDF

    Sm-Nd method Sm and Nd are rare earth elements REE have 3+ charge, ionic radii decrease with increasing Z all REE are incompatible (they prefer the melt), but ...

  5. Sm-Nd Dating of Spatially Controlled Domains of Garnet ...

    www.geo.arizona.edu/tectonics/Ducea/publications/DuceaGRPCC.pdf · PDF

    Sm-Nd Dating of Spatially Controlled Domains of Garnet Single Crystals: A New Method of High Temperature Thermochronology Mihai N. Ducea*, Jibamitra

  6. On Samarium-Neodymium isochron dating of garnet and

    meetings.copernicus.org/www.cosis.net/abstracts/... · PDF

    On Samarium-Neodymium isochron dating of garnet ... An alternative dating ... point in the Sm-Nd isochron diagram with the highest Sm/Nd ratio. Garnet fractions

  7. Sm-Nd dating of spatially controlled domains of garnet ...


    Sm-Nd dating of spatially controlled domains of garnet single crystals: A new method of high-temperature thermochronology

  8. Sm-Nd dating of gabbro- and garnet-bearing contact ...

    https://foreninger.uio.no/ngf/ngt/pdfs/NGT_77_1_039-050.pdf · PDF

    Sm-Nd dating of gabbro- and garnet-bearing contact metamorphic/anatectic rocks from Krutfjellet, Nordland, and some geochemical aspects of the intrusives

  9. SmNd garnet and UPb monazite dating of high-grade ...

    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Markku_Vaeisaenen/publication... · PDF

    SmNd garnet and UPb monazite dating of high-grade metamorphism and crustal melting in the West Uusimaa area, southern Finland HASSINA MOURI1*, MARKKU ...

  10. SmNd dating of spatially controlled domains of garnet ...


    Read "SmNd dating of spatially controlled domains of garnet single crystals: a new method of high-temperature thermochronology, Earth and Planetary Science